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iPad Customers Security Breach

It is always sold out when I tried to buy an iPad, that's the demand of this new gadget from Apple. Will I stop buying the iPad despite of recent security breach from AT&T Network? I don't think so but I will be concern to know on how AT&T will improve their security approach protecting of customer's personal information.

Excerpt from "A security breach has resulted in 114,000 Apple iPad users -- including high-ranking government employees, CEOs and media personalities -- having their data exposed, Gawker Media’s Valleywag blog reported Wednesday. A group called Goatse Security -- in reference to a old internet sicko photo -- managed to exploit weaknesses in the AT&T network to obtain data from thousands of iPad users including New York Times Co. CEO Janet Robinson, ABC’s Diane Sawyer, film mogul Harvey Weinstein, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and others, according to Valleywag."

I would like to know your thought about it. Please post it here.

Security breach exposes data of 114,000 iPad users including several VIPS. Retrieved last June 11, 2010 from

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